Posted by: minz | August 7, 2009

The difference

After five (why this number is something I’d like to keep for myself) confusing years, I know now the difference between missing and longing. Within seconds of posting this thought in facebook, I was buzzed by a friend who asked what it was. It usually takes me awhile to come up with a coherent reply but this time the answer seemed crystal clear. I said, to miss something is just that. To acknowledge that it isn’t there anymore or that it hasn’t been there for awhile. To long for it is to want  it to be there. To look for it. To wish it back.

I’m sure everyone else has experienced deeper or more poignant epiphanies upon Tita Cory’s death. I guess me being me took stock of only this. Tita Cory, and everything she stood for,  will not just be missed. She will be longed for. Everyday. By this nation and by everyone who calls himself Filipino. And if that isn’t case, it ought to be. Because this woman mattered.

Rest now, Tita Cory. You will be longed for forever.

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